Leading a spiritual life does not mean that our life will always be easy and successful or that we will be in perfect health. However, a spiritual approach allows us to view our difficulties in living as opportunities to learn the lessons we need to learn in order to grow and reach our full potential.
Some people use spirituality as a way to by pass dealing with their problems. They leave their pain and anger to fester inside and cause themselves and others a great deal of trouble. Putting on an inauthentic positive mask does not solve problems nor does it help heal and grow. I call this behavior “Flight into spirituality”.
Spiritually oriented psychotherapy can be the missing link between your problems and your true spiritual growth. Psychotherapy can help the wounded, shamed and frightened parts of yourself heal gently and with love and compassion. These dark parts of you, your shadow, create the curtain that blocks you from seeing the light inside you and around you. It prevents you from experiencing the spiritual force planted deep in our human core by the divine. This spiritual core is the true source of joy, compassion and healing, finding it within yourself allows you to love and respect yourself and others.
It takes courage to reach out and ask for help.
I believe that seeking help from people who love you, from a therapist and from the divine – is a major step on your spiritual path.
Copyright © 2018 Esther Hanoch, PH.D., LCSW - All Rights Reserved.